Sunday, September 29, 2013

Something I've Questioned

Since I haven't read the entire Health Care Reform Bill, and the former Speaker of the House has indicated Congress hasn't either, a question keeps occurring to me.

Suppose Congress does defund the Health Care Reform Bill . . . That doesn't rescind the insurance mandate.  It just means there will be no subsidies.

Now, I don't know if it will be defunded, but from what I have read, even if the funding is not approved, the law for mandated health insurance will remain in tact and become effective whenever The Powers That Be determine "we the people" must comply.

Are we sure a defunding the bill or even a government shut down will postpone this inevitable Mandate of Control?

I've included a link to one article I've found that is also raising the same concern.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Most Americans . . .

Recent studies show, most Americans choose their news source according to their political leanings.  So, the mainstream media can service everyone as long as extreme of both "wings" is provided . . . and it is!  True information and factual data are secondary to political loyalty.

The Goshen Gazette is working to bring you actual, factual information as another option!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

If a Doctor Recommends It . . .

I'm always amazed at how many people will defend their right to choose to eat in disobedience to the Instructions of our Creator, until a doctor tells them to quit eating bacon, or they have an allergy to shell fish.  Pigs do not sweat and they are highly toxic, they were created the way they were for a reason, but the reason is not for human consumption consumption.  Shellfish and scaleless fish are the bottom feeders.  Shrimp are the cock roaches of the sea.  Do you know what the "vein" really is in the shrimp?

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Average Person

Recent studies show, the average person believes themselves to be above average!

As a matter of fact, this pollster has yet to meet anyone who describes themselves as "average" or below . . .