Sunday, July 7, 2013

Entertainment Shapes Society

In watching the changes in our society, I have to say, I believe entertainment has made a greater impact on our society than we realize.  Entertainment is so powerful, it has even influenced our politics and our religion.

From the days of  "Father Knows Best" to Marcus Welby, MD, to ER, to . . . that was the end of my television days, but it's easy to see insurance has replaced faith and medicine has replaced healing, even amongst most believers.  Just in case someone might consider actually trusting our Creator with the health of their family, there are potential legal consequences.

Go back and check the 2008 campaign.  Oprah Winfrey determined whether this nation would have it's first woman president or first black president.  She was a powerful voice from afternoon television.

We also have to take a look at what our society becomes as our children are growing up, subliminally taking in their parent's entertainment.  The television was cast out of our family living room in 1990.  I've been in ministry for nearly 20 years, been television free for almost 15, but my 30 something daughter will still bring up what she remembers from television even without cable, before it left the living room.

Just one more reminder, that the influence on the next generation through the formative years is indelible.

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