Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Strategy Surrounding Conspiracy Theories?

Recent studies show, the presentation of Conspiracy theories truly serves to divide the people.  Is dividing the people the real conspiracy behind all the conspiracy theories? 

We need to remember, evil does not need to be a conspiracy.  Evil simply offers the opportunity to sell one's soul for money, power, or fame.  To have several people working toward the same end, really doesn't require them to be in on some sort of conspiracy, at all.

Then, as always here in America, added to the mix; will be arrogant authoritative opinions, with accusatory labels.  Creating the perfect environment for sides to be taken.

The results speak for themselves as the people continue to be divided.

To divide and conquer is a power strategy not a conspiracy.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Recent Studies Show

The use of the phrase, "Recent Studies Show," lends credence to the words that follow.  This will be a new section of the Goshen Gazette, and although birthed perhaps a bit tongue in cheek, the fact is:  Recent studies show, most studies are conducted, to prove desired statistics.  Most studies are established and funded for patent ownership, liability protection, and marketing.

The contributors at the Goshen Gazette, do not conduct their studies for corporate gain or reduced responsibility, but rather; to show themselves approved unto YHWH.

Our contributors are researching and participating in comparative studies to sound warnings and share the Good News.